Playpen Preschool

Playpen Preschool
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Saturday 26 May 2012

Developing Healthy Eating habits in Your Child

May 27, 2012
Hello, all you young moms and dads!
It's important that your child develops correct eating habits from childhood since that is going to have an impact on his or her lifelong eating patterns. Parents have a huge role to play in this. Try some of these:
1. Model good eating behaviour: You can't expect your child to eat greens or fruits if he sees you snacking on chips or pastries!
2. Keep a bowl of fruit on a low table in your child's room. If he can see them, he will reach for them whenever he is hungry. This trick worked wonders for my son, who even at 23 now, reaches for fruit rather than biscuits when he is hungry!
3. Provide for variety: Foods that are attractively "packaged" are more inviting than routine fare. Make circular sandwiches packed with nutrition within the slices of bread. The shape will entice your child to try it.
4. Water should be the choice of drink to give to your thirsty child. Avoid sugary drinks - it only adds empty calories. Milk is great at snack times.
5. Eat together as far as possible. In doing so your child doesn't just learn to eat the right foods by imitation, but also gets his first lessons on dining etiquette - which is very important particularly when you go out to eat.
6. Involve your child in the food preparation process. Even very small children can help lay the table or peel fruit. Let him watch as you cook - give him some dough to roll out!
There's lots you can do to get your kid off the "right" block as far as eating is concerned. Remember, he only eats what you put in front of him - or what he sees around the house. Make sure he sees the right things!
Best Wishes,
Playpen Team