Hi Friends
"Intelligence" is a relative term. If you were to ask ten people what the word means to them, you'd get ten answers....at best loosely connected. For educators, there's a constant focus on this word as they strive to develop the "intellect" of the kids in their care.
In this respect i'm a huge fan of Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences. According to him, we are not born with a single general ability - rather our personalities are shaped by the various intelligences within us.
As educators and parents, it is our duty to give a child maximum opportunity to develop each of these intelligences - i.e. language, mathematical and logical ability, body movement control, sensitivity to other people's feelings, self-awareness, music and rhythm, experiencing the natural world, figuring out images and space.
When with young children at home, it's a good idea to keep developing these even as they go about their routine work or play. For instance, you could ask your daughter to come and help out in the kitchen. She will love being there - it's a interesting place. Give her some dough to play with. You'll be amazed at the creativity she displays - and that's not all....she's working and strengthening the tiny muscles of her fingers. Get her to talk about what she's made....and watch the speech, language and vocabulary develop.
Get her to count the number of plates that need to be set - ooh! that's kitchen math! Get her to drum a rhythm on the kitchen top using spoons while you dance to this rhythm. Who said learning was boring?? Get her to feel the skins of different vegetables and fruits. Which are rough? Which are smooth? How are they similar to and different from each other? Can she put them into categories other than "This is a fruit" "This is a vegetable"
Which is her favourite fruit? Would she share it with her brother? If she could combine two fruits to make a new one, which would it be? What would she name this new fruit? How would it look? taste? .... get your child to think and reason...explore and create!
There you go! Your very own application of Multiple Intelligences within the confines of your kitchen - and best of all...dinner's ready too!
Ciao for now!
Playpen Team