Playpen Preschool

Playpen Preschool
Open Your Preschool

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

How Children Learn

The series of articles I am writing refers to different areas of child development and learning. I kept these in mind when putting together the curriculum for Playpen preschool. In doing so, several areas of child learning have been addressed in order to engage children in self learning, and more importantly, self-paced learning. 

1. A child must be developmentally ready to learn. No matter how stimulating an environment we provide to a child, he won't learn unless he is ready for it. On the other hand, if the environment limits learning opportunities, children will not reach their potential - so both are important. 

2. Children are naturally curious and motivated to learn.......unless we stifle their curiosity or deprive them of a stimulating environment.

3. Early childhood i a critical period of development of communication competence i.e. development of self-expression as well as understanding others. This is the best time to help them learn a language and children who have the exposure to any language pick it up fast and well. 

4. Learning is enhanced when children are engaged in interactive processes. They develop intellectually, as well as socially, which at this stage is a very important developmental milestone. 

5. Children develop not through rote learning, but active exploration and manipulation of their environment. Play and activity, thus form the best medium for their learning. 

6. Individual differences exist in any group. The uniqueness of a child must be recognized and celebrated. So, should also be recognized the right of a child to follow his or her unique learning style.

More in next!

Playpen Team