Playpen Preschool

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Sunday, 18 March 2012

Tormenting Tantrums

Mar 18, 2012

Around the 2 year age mark, you'll find your child giving in more and more to tantrums. These could be expressions of frustration at not being able to complete a task or simply as a way to gain attention. Once children are in this distressed state, they don't know how to manage it, because they haven't learned to do that yet and that's why they need your help to learn how to calm down. 

You need to first find out what has triggered the tantrum. It could be inconsistent behaviour on your part that leads to this tantrum - think about it - maybe on one trip to the market you bought your child a candy. the message your child got was I'll get a candy on every trip to the market. The next time you refuse, oh boy! you're in for a tantrum!!

When looking for triggers, observe the difficult times of day for your child - is he/she in a happier mood in the morning? Does he/she lose patience towards the end of the day? Make these times easier by anticipating your child's needs. Also, try and look at the situation from your child's point of view. What might seem like inconsequential to you may be like the end of the world for your child! 

If you child is not hungry, thirsty or unwell, the root cause of the tantrum needs to be addressed and the child reassured with a warm hug. However, sometimes just as we adults need to blow off steam, kids need to do it too! If that seems to be the case, make sure there is nothing around that could cause your child injury and stay close by until the tantrum blows over. 

Happy parenting!

Playpen Team